Belfast Healthy Cities welcomed Chief Medical Officer, Professor Sir Michael McBride, to launch six chapters of the profile publication ‘BELFAST Profiling Health, Wellbeing & Prosperity – Has COVID-19 changed our city?’
The profile chapters are a follow up to the initial chapters produced within ‘BELFAST Profiling Health, Wellbeing & Prosperity: The data behind the people and the city’, produced in 2022.
Profile author Erica Ison, Specialist Practitioner in Population and Public Health, gave a Summary Analysis of the six COVID-19 chapters using the 6P framework of the World Health Organization (WHO) European Healthy Cities Network Phase VII (2019-2026): People; Prosperity; Place; Planet; Peace and Participation.
Chaired by Dr Karen Casson, Belfast Healthy Cities Vice Chair, the webinar also heard from Dr Graham Alabaster, Head of Geneva Office, Office of The Executive Director, United Nations Human Settlements Programme on Impact of the pandemic on people: learning for future pandemics and emergency preparedness; and Maude Luherne, Co-ordinator, French National Healthy Cities Network on Impacts of the COVID-19 crisis in French healthy Cities : experiences and lessons learned